Li Family Newborn

The butterflies of knowing your life is about to change when you’re expecting a baby are unforgettable. That first child is the most magical feeling in the world. You have no idea what to expect, and yet, the moment of meeting your baby is even better than anything you could have ever imagined.

Angela & Vincent attend our church in Chicago: Park Community Church. I met them at their home in the first week of baby Joshua’s life to help capture these fresh new moments as a family of three. Their home is so beautiful and my ovaries were hurting getting to hang with such a cute little baby!

Angela’s mom was staying with the Li’s to help in these early days of newborn life. She had a beautiful pile of fruit arranged artfully in honor of our photoshoot! If anyone has an Asian parent, you know you will never be lacking in the fruit department ;) It’s a love language!

Huge congrats to Angela & Vincent on baby Joshua! We can’t wait to watch your family grow :)